O.F.F. – Oslo Flaneur Festival

O.F.F. – Oslo Flaneur Festival
Go O.F.F. Get Lost!

What? The OSLO FLANEUR FESTIVAL is a three day celebration of the flâneur — the stroller, the explorer, the passionate wanderer, the timeless image of the human on the move, the nomad, the urban explorer, the wanderer, the new pilot of humanity in a world in rapid change. O.F.F. transforms the flaneur’s walk into action based urbanism. Together we explore not just the city, but also human wanderlust, nature and culture.

Who is s/he? The Flaneur lives inside all of us. We all recognize the lone walker and the urban explorer. The Flaneur is alone. S/he is the one who removes oneself from the world while standing right in the middle of its steaming heart. Alone – and together with all other flaneurs. During O.F.F. everyone in Oslo becomes a flaneur.

For Whom? Anyone and everybody – whether City-Natives, Anarcho-Absurdists, Urban Arcadians, Urban explorers, New Countrymen or just lost tourists, we welcome anyone to this walk O.F.F. the beaten path.

Join us. Walk with us. Walk your way.


Documentation: here